() Will be used when explaining about a subject or how an item is used.
[] Will be used to highlight possible uses of the item.
{*} Will be used to show what is required for it to work.
< > Will be used to highlight what you need to be proficient in or need to have to use it, some will have extra option, but you only need one.
After this term in () is the type of ammunition the weapon needs to use to work.
Can breathe in and out of water
When casting a spell than needs spirit which you do not have, you gain the following:
<0 spirit, you cannot cast spells or skills that uses sprit, until you have a positive number of spirits.
<10 spirit, you gain +1 point of exhaustion and all previous effects.
<25 spirit, you gain +1DA on all actions and all previous effects.
<50 spirit, your hit point maximum and remaining hit point are halved and all previous effects.
<100 spirit, You fall prone and ar unable to move and all previous effects.
In order to protect your self when adventuring.
You can try and wear armor to block incoming attacks.
In order to wear armor you must be atleast Trained in that armor type or gain a penalty:
-1 AR for light armor
-3 AR for Medium armor
-5 AR for heavy armor
When you have Mastery in an armor type you gain +2 AR.
Talking about the amount of damage that is blocked before going off your hit points. With the exception of
Bleeding, Burning, Poison, Psychic and True damage.
Each creature can make a numerous of attacks with their Main action.
they are the following:
Unarmed attack
You can use your body in numbers ways of physical combat.
Examples are, headbutt, drop kick, uppercut or the classic punches and kicks
An unarmed attack is your DEX or STR Mod. + PB + 1 D20 to hit.
you do not add your PB and DEX or STR Mod. on your off-hand attack unless you are proficient with an unarmed attack.
On hit, you deal 1 + your power in Bludgeoning damage, unless stated otherwise.
Off-hand attacks
You can use your Quick action to use your weapon in you off hand to make an attack including your unarmed attacks.
as long as the weapon has the <off-hand> tag.
Your do not gain Your PB or your Ability Mod. To the attack roll, unless you have a skill or ability that says otherwise.
You can use your Rwaction, Quick, Main or Full- action to cast spells.
(Spells with melee or ranged option, are not triggered with the wording melee, or ranged weapon attacks, unless stated otherwise.)
You can use your Main action to push a creature 1 meter (3ft.) per STR. Mod. away from you.
(Contested Athletics Skill check, on a failure nothing happens.)
You can use your Main action to attempt to tackle the target towards the ground.
(Make a contested Acrobatics or Athletics skill check.)
On a success the target falls Prone.
You can use your Main action to try and hold on to a creature.
Make a unarmed attack towards the target. On hit, instead of taking damage, the creature is Grappled.
You can use your Main action when you have a creature Grappled you can try to Restraine it, if you have the means to do so.
Choke hold
You can use your Full action, when a creature is Restrained by you, you can begin to choke it.
The creature must escape before their CON. Score in rounds of the Responce order is over (10 seconds per round) or fall unconscious.
You can choke the creature each round, to decrease the time by 1.
Weapon attacks
Some weapons require a specific tag on it before you can use it.
They can be either range or melee weapons.
melee weapons mostly have the following options to choose from:
Swing attack, using your STR Mod.
Thrust attack, using your DEX Mod.
and pummel attack, using your STR Mod.
4km (2mile) per hour / 32km (20miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 40km (24 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
This genderless term is used for the main villain of your campaign or games.
You know the exact location of any creature in that radius, regardless of stealth and magical effects (unless stated otherwise).
You lose the ability to see.
Any actions based on sight will be at +1DA.
All targeted rolls against you have +1A.
When burrowing your movement speed is 1/1000 of your walking speed, unless stated otherwise.
When the GM and players are gathering for a game, that is played by session after follow up session, this is what we call a campaign.
When an event happens, like a saving throw or a skill check, a challenge roll needs to be made to succeed in the save or check.
Talking about your charms and personality, as well as your inner ambition.
When climbing your movement speed is 1/4 of your walking speed, unless stated otherwise.
Use a cone radius, starting from the source and moving in a straight line slowly widening.
For every 3 spaces forward it widens 1 space on both sides, the sides are in a straight line towards the source point.
Talking about your physical body.
This is used to describe the level of a creature that the party can encounter, creatures also have the following after their DL.:
- E for easy, three of these creatures can fight one character of the level equal to the DL of the creature.
- M for medium, can fight one on one with a character.
- H for hard, must have three characters fighting it.
for deadly, the slightest mistake can end in death.
This type of vision allows you to see in darkend areas.
A + (x) Dark vision, extend the range of any dim-light source by that amount.
Example: a torch giving of 3 meters (10ft.) bright-light and 3 meters (10ft.) dim-light.
Will have its Dim-light extended to 13 meters (43ft.) fo a creature that has the Night creature abilitie.
- This can overlap with other Dim-light, but does not increase the brightness of that point.
- You cannot see in total darkness with Dark vision.
Talking about the type of sided dice you need to use.
Each creature as some means to get out of harms way.
This is indicated by their Dodge score.
Dodge is determents by the Species of the creature + their DEX Mod.
Their dodge can be altered by:
- armor
- spell effects
- items and artifacts
When an creature trys to attack you, they must roll atleast the number of your dodge or higher (meet or beat) in order to try and hurt you.
When a creature hits you with atleast +10 higher than your Dodge score. it will count as a critical hit.
When you wield a weapon in your Main and you wield a weapon in your off-hand with the <off-hand> tag, and you are proficient in Dual-Wielding, you do you gain the following:
- +1 dodge
- Dual-Wielder fighting style.
in combat choose one of the following per turn:
- When making an attack with your main weapon you may use your off-handed weapon as part of the attack.
Roll your main handed weapon attack as normal, on hit add your off-handed weapon die to the attack damage.
- When making an attack with your main weapon you may use your off-handed weapon as part of the attack.
- you may use your Quick action to strike with your off-handed weapon and you may add your Ability Mod. to the to hit roll.
Spells or effects that gives your attacks a boost will not work on your off-handed weapon attack.
Weapons or items that have an additional skill or effect.
60km (37mile) per hour / 480km (298miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 600km (372 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
Creatures with this tag can be bounded in a contract between master and familiar.
This can only be done via a (Binding Familiar) spell.
16km (10mile) per hour / 128km (80miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 160km (96 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
This item will cover the feet of a character (mostly used for armor).
Weapons that enable skills of classes like the Scoundrel.
These actions take no time to do.
Think of dropping a weapon or item.
Your GM will decide what will be a free action.
Some Class skills will also declare themself as a free action.
Full actions are used for powerful attacks or effects.
You can combine one Quick action and one Main action to do a Full action.
They are the following:
Special techniques; these will allow you to do ability's or cast more powerful spells.
Readied action; you can prepare a Quick or Main action for when something is going to happen.
You must describe beforehand what you're going to prepare and what the trigger for it will be.
Any spells use is consider cast and Concentration{*C}, (even if it's not trigger it will be cast)
a GM can allow you to do multible Main actions as a readied action like, running (x) distance and long jumping on x.
This item will cover the entire body of a character (mostly used for armor).
Talking about the player that tells the story and upholds and bends the rules for there game. a Game master is not defined by gender.
Talking about the Game master’s character that will travel with the party and is fully controlled by the game master.
* only expert GameMasters should try to use this, since it’s easy to give an unfair advantage to the GMPC compared to the party.
This item will cover the hands of a character (mostly used for armor).
This item will cover the head of a character (mostly used for armor).
When this creature looks towards intense heat. It cannot see anything but pure white. gaining +1DA to all skill checks based on sight in that direction.
With this vision you can see body heat and heat sources, negating invisibility, and stealth.
When looking directly at a heat source like a open flame. you imidiatly gain the Heat Blind states als long as that heat source is in your vision, or until you stop useing Heat Vision with a Main action.
Weapons that are hard to hold and wield. requires a minimum STR score of 15 unless stated otherwise.
Takes 10 minute to equip or unequip and you need help to do so.
Wearing heavy armor for more than 3 hours per CON. Mod. every time, will give you +1 point of Exhaustion.
When rolling for stealth, but creatures in the area are aware that you are nearby.
Means that you can succesfully roll a stealth skill check to become Hidden.
Talking about the amount of damage you can take before falling unconscious.
When a creature drops to or below 0 HP the one dealing the damage can declare non-lethal, Negating the need to roll for death saves.
This does not count for environmental or magical damage unless stated otherwise.
32km (19mile) per hour / 128km (80miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 320km (192 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
Cannot be affected by an effect or damage type.
When having this, the amount of damage taken is changed to 0.
Using an item or object as a weapon.
Roll a D20 + your DEX. or STR. Mod. on hit, the GM determines the damage, unless stated otherwise
+1A on Fortitude saves in cold and freezing climates.
+1DA on Fortitude saves in warm and hot climates
Talking about your intellect.
They can jump up to + 1.5 meters (5ft.) high and far.
This creature has +1A on Perception, Investigation and Survival skill checks.
This item will cover the legs of a character (mostly used for armor).
Floats in a space, cannot move without touching or pushing off to anything.
Takes 1 minute to equip or unequip.
Wearing light armor for more than 5 hours per CON. Mod. every time, will give you +1 point of Exhaustion.
Weapons that are easy to hold and wield.
Weapons with this term need a full action for it to be able to work again after use.
If you need multiple full actions to use this weapon the number of full actions will be shown after this term in {*}.
This term is used to discribe what a defeated creature might offer to others.
90km (56mile) per hour / 472km (447miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 900km (559 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
Your Main actions are used for anything that you want to do with effort.
This can be used in a large quantity of ways such as:
Movement; use your full movement speed or in sections in your turn.
Long jump; jump half your DEX. Mod. in meters. (per 3ft.) or full if you run a minimum of 3 meters (10ft.).
the long jump distance does not count as part of your movement speed.
High jump; jump a quarter of your STR. Mod straight up in meters (per 3ft.)
Attack; melee, range or casting.
Use item.
Grab item.
Help action; giving +1A to someone in something your proficient in.
skill actions; skills you are or are not proficient with.
Interact with item.
Disengage; you can move away when in melee range of all hostile creatures, you gain half of your full movement when you do so.
Defensive stands; all attacks will gain +1DA on you.
You can use any or all of these Main action's multiple times in your turn, if you have a main action left.
Some classes will give you more Main actions or change them into Quick actions.
Weapons that can be used in your dominant hand.
These weapons require skill and training to use them.
Most often than not, these weapons are used in military practises,
Takes 3 minute to equip or unequip.
Wearing medium armor for more than 4 hours per CON. Mod. every time, will give you +1 point of exhaustion.
This creature has a +30 meters (100ft.) Dark Vision.
Talking about increase or decrease of a number of what is stated before the term Mod.
determind by the following:
an ability stat of 0 or 1 gives -5
an ability stat of 2 or 3 gives -4
an ability stat of 4 or 5 gives -3
an ability stat of 6 or 7 gives -2
an ability stat of 8 or 9 gives -1
an ability stat of 10 or 11 gives 0
an ability stat of 12 or 13 gives +1
an ability stat of 14 or 15 gives +2
an ability stat of 16 or 17 gives +3
an ability stat of 18 or 19 gives +4
an ability stat of 20 or 21 gives +5
(there is no limit for this).
Moving around is important to get to where you want to go, or not get into harms way.
You could always choose to move directly in the path of danger.
Movement is Determend by your species.
In addition you gain a bonus to your movement speed by the following:
- Your DEX Mod. gives you a positive or negative modification to your movement speed by 1 meter (3.3ft.) for each +/- of your DEX Mod..
- Your species or sub species gives you a flat bonus to your movement speed.
- Items, spells, or artifacts can temporarily or permanently alter your movement speed.
Movement can be done in different ways.
They are the following:
Walking speed
The movement that is discussed in the section above.
Climbing speed
The movement you take when climbing any obstacle.
Your movement is a quarter your Walking speed.
Swimming speed
The movement you take when swimming in any liquid.
Your movement is a quarter your Walking speed.
Your Swimming speed is halved when swimming against the current.
When swimming with the current your Swimming speed increase based on the current.
Crouching speed
The movement that allows you to hide behind cover and move around more silently.
Your movement is half your Walking speed, and your gain +1A on stealth checks based on sounds (and sight if behind cover).
Crawling speed
The movement that you have when you are flat on the ground.
When crawling you gain the following:
- You gain the Prone Status effect.
- Your movement speed is a quarter of your Walking speed.
- Ranged attacks gains +1DA on you.
- Melee attacks gain +1A on you.
- and your gain +1A on stealth checks based on sounds and sight.
Burrowing speed
The movement you have when you try to dig something out.
When digging in dirt your Burrow speed is (1/1000) of your Walking speed.
*example: your Walking speed is 10 meters, making your Burrow speed 0.01 meters/
When digging at a solid object like stone your Burrow speed is halved again.
Flying speed
The movement you take when flying though the air.
This can be done by one of the following:
- Your species wil give you a Flying speed.
- Your sub-species wil give you a Flying speed.
- an Items, spells, or artifacts can temporarily or permanently give or alter your Flying speed.
This creature has a +10 meters (33ft.) Dark Vision.
Talking about the many types of creatures, Species, and races that players can interact with.
+2 on perception skill checks based on sight.
Weapons that can be used in your off hand.
This term is use if the game will not have (or only a hand full of) follow up sessions, this type of campaign focus of a compact story and mostly use as an introduction or try out for a full campain.
Weapons that can be wielded in one hand.
(two-handed weapons can become one handed if there STR score is 10 higher then the <heavy> requiredment.)
These armor types are your primary way of defense, you cannot stack or combine them with other <Over armor> types.
When an enemy attack you with a melee weapon, and you have a weapon with the parry reaction, you can roll the parry dice of your weapon to lower the to hit roll of your opponent to attempt a forced a miss.
Any Talent skill can be rolled in 2 ways. Active and Passive.
Active skills
Are skills that you actively try to do. You strain your limits to create a outcome that you desire.
Passive skills
Are skills that you don ot activly persue. Based on your Passive skills, your GM can call out that you noticed something (your Passive Perception for example).
You could ask your GM to do a skill Passively to not roll a D20 for it but take +5 instead.
This can be done for any Talent skill, but only if your GM allows it.
examle: picking a lock while you are being attacked might not be allowed
Your Passive skills can be increase by the following:
- Species features
- Sub-species features
- Class features
- Sub-Class features
- Spell effect
- Items and Artifacts
These numbers indicate the minimum amount of damage you will do.
your physical attacks deal atleast this amount of damage.
Thse can be from:
- unarmed attacks
- Weapon attacks
Most of your magical attacks deal atleast this amount of damage.
Professions are activities you can preform in your day-to-day live.
Mostly these professions are tied to your background, upbringing and backstory.
Each will give you unique skills and bonuses that you may use in your advantures.
You gain Alchemist supplies to brew your own concoction, poisons, and potions.
Do not confuse them with each other.
a Alchemist's kit cost 750 C.C.
To create a brew, you must have a recipe to created it. (ask your GM for a recipe that you want to make)
Brewing a poition will take several checks. your lowest of all checks will be your final skill check result.
Try something out, who knows right. your friend would gladly test your creations.
To make a brew you add your INT. Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain supplies to express your form of art.
A painter's kit cost 175 C.C. + canvas of 50 C.C.
You can attempt to recreate your surroundings or make something unique.
Just do not cut off your own ear, it will not make you paintings better.
To create a painting add your CHA Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain Forging supplies to work steel in any kind of shape.
Forging supplies cost 350 C.C. excluding the ingot needed.
You attempt to recreate or create items of metal.
When hammering, mind the thumb.
To create a item add your STR Mod. to your D20 skill check. (you need a forge)
You gain Brewing supplies to create your own drinks.
Brewing supplies cost 550 C.C. (the distilling pot is large in size and cannot be move when built)
If the bottom is ontop you did it right.
To create a brew add your WIS Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain a gilded pen worth 270 C.C.
You can attempt to write contracts and documents or copy them.
or sign a deed in one of your friends name, who can tell.
To create a document add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain cartography tools to mark locations on a map.
Cartography tools cost 220 C.C.
With these tools you can make detailed or crude maps about the area you are in.
it would be funny to make a treasure map.
To create a brew add your WIS Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain pottery tools to create clay pot, plates and other dishware.
Your Pottery tools cost ** 70 C.C.**
Pots, plates and artwork made form clay can be created.
Who needs to bring a plate if you can make one.
To create a Pottery add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain cooking suplies to change ingredients into a meal.
Your cooking supplies cost 250 C.C.
With the right ingredients any dish can be made, your skill determines the taste.
Who needs magic if you mastered the art of Transmutation.
To cook a meal add your CHA Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain a Burglars kit, to open locks.
A Burglars kit cost 200 C.C.
You can attempt to gently open locks with your lock picks from your kit.
A burglars kit has 10 lock picks, a 15 meter (50ft.) rope, a grappling hook attachment, and a 3 meter (10ft.) thin string.
Locks are only there to hide something from others. unfortunately you are too curious to let it go right.
To open a lock add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
(you gain +1A if you have proficieny in Slight of hand and +2A when you have Expertise instead.)
You gain Glass blowing tools to create glass in all kinds of shapes.
Glass blowing tools cost 600 C.C.
You can attempt to blow hot glass into a size and mold it into a workable shape.
Your work might be fragile, but its back shattering work.
To create Glasswork add your CON Mod. to your D20 skill check.
You gain a herbalist kit and a Sickle (weapon) to harvest plants.
Your harvesting kit cost 50 C.C. and contains a Sickle a herbalist bag and small collection jars.
You attempt to carefully harvest specific parts of plants for their medicinal or alchemical purposes.
Eating a lot of strange plants will not make you better at harvesting, but some plants will make you believe you do.
To Harvest a part of a plant add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
(you gain +1A if you have proficieny in Harvesting and +2A when you have Expertise instead.)
You gain a jewelers kit to polish, cut, or examine gems and jewlery.
A jewelers kit cost 560 C.C.
When caring for or trying to make your own jewerly. one must have a steady hand and a sharp eye.
It's not always about the gold or gems, but about the branding of your name on all that carrys them.
To create some jewelry add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
Leather worker
You gain Leather Working tools and a foldable tanning rack.
Leather working tools cost 180 C.C.
After tanning some hide for 5 days you can work it with your tools to make all kinds of leather items.
If your piece of leather is large enough.
Make sure your head is not Too Close by the tanning rack. People might Think your face is for sale.
To create leatherwares add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
Make-up artist
You can always cover it up.
To apply make-up add your CHA Mod. to your D20 skill check.
Its only a small needle.
To treat a injury add your WIS Mod. to your D20 skill check.
The best angle, is a higher one.
When climbing your +Climbing speed++ is equal to your Double your Passive +Climbing skill++
Sweet, sweet music.
To Perform with your instrument add your CHA Mod. to your D20 skill check.
That way is left, right?
To Find your way in an unknown area add your WIS Mod. to your D20 skill check.
(you gain +1A if you have proficieny in Survival and +2A when you have Expertise instead.)
Make sure not to do a taste test unless its venom.
To create, vemons, toxins, and poisons add your INT Mod. to your D20 skill check.
Stone worker/Sculpter
Its alright to love your work. to a certain degree of course
To Work with stone add your STR Mod. to your D20 skill check.
Do not boast too much about your work.
To create Tapestries add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
This profession mostly runs in the family.
To Work with wood add your DEX Mod. to your D20 skill check.
When you are not Trained in a profession you gain +1DA in that skill check.
When you are Trained in a profession you gain +1A in that skill check.
When you are a Master in a profession you Double the Modifier used and gain +1A in that skill check.
When creating something with your professions will have the following CL’s
1-5 crude quality
6-10 poor quality
11-15 average quality
16-20 good quality
21-25 great quality
26-30 superb quality
31+ supreme quality
Creating difficult items or pieces can increase all the CL’s up to your GM’s discretion
Proficiency shows your talents that are above the Standard norm.
You have practiced or studied a specific skill which allows you to have the upperhand to the untrained ones.
Proficiency can be in many things such as:
- Talents skills
- Weaponry
- Armors
- Shields
- Languages
- Professions
- Mounts and vehicles
- and Spell casting
All skills that you can be proficient in has one of the following behind it.
- an orb with 3 circles
- an orb with 2 circles
- a singular orb
When there are 3 circles, you can become Trained, Proficient and an Expert in that skill.
When there are 2 Circles, you can become Trained, or a Master in that skill.
When there is a singular circle you can be Proficient in that skill.
When you are Trained in a skill with 3 orbs, you gain + half your PB on that skill roll.
When you are Trained in a skill with 2 orbs, you do not have +1DA when using that skill.
When you have Proficiency in a skill, you gain + your PB on that skill roll.
When you have Expertise in a skill, you gain, + double your PB on that skill.
When you have Mastery in a skill, you gain +1A in that skill
Armor and shield gain a flat bonus instead
Some skills or actions ask you to add your PB.
Your Proficiency bonus is tied to your Experiance in levels.
Your gain +1 PB at level 1.
add your level to the current PB to know the next increase.
below it the Proficiency bonus table
PB at level 1, +1
PB at level 2, +2
PB at level 4, +3
PB at level 7, +4
PB at level 11, +5
PB at level 16, +6
PB at level 22, +7
There is no limit to this.
Quick actions are skills and techniques that you have mastered and can do with ease.
These fast techniques and skills are to gain the upper hand in a fight.
These can be:
Class Skill; techniques that you have learned through your class.
off-hand; a quick action from your non dominant hand.
if you have a weapon in your off-hand and you do not have the Duel-wielder proficiency. You do not gain your PB on the attack roll.
8km (5mile) per hour / 64km (40miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 80km (48 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
Weapons that can attack creatures at a distance with a ranged attack, suffer +1DA when used if an other hostile creature is in melee with them, unless otherwise specified.
Weapons that can attack creatures at a greater distance with a melee attack.
Reactions are actions that can only be used when triggered.
When a trigger is met, you can use your reaction to do so.
They are the following:
Opportunity attack; When a creature moves atleast one space away from you within your melee attack range. you may use one of your reactions to attempt to attack the creature with a melee attack.
no melee spell attacks unless stated otherwise.
Parry; when you are about to be hit by a melee attack, and they have a melee weapon with a parry skill.
They may use one of their reactions to roll the parry dice and lower the to hit of the attacking creature.
Possibly forcing a miss or changing a critical hit to a normal hit.
Magical spells; these spells work with a specific trigger for a specific effect.
Class skills; these skills work with a specific trigger for a specific effect.
All these skills uses a reaction or work a specific way. Unless stated otherwise.
To rewind time to a point so you can undo a mistake you or others made.
Some skills, effects or spells asks you to make a Fortitude, Reflex or Willpower save.
When this happens, you must roll a D20 and add the modifier of the asked for skill.
Depending on the roll, you can either succeed or fail the save, each giving their own effect.
When you are targeted unaware your GM will ask for your Passive save.
Add +5 to your Fortitude, Reflex or Willpower save for your passive save.
Depending on the amount, you can either succeed or fail the save, each giving their own effect.
The Seelie Court is a group of fairies, often specified as good fairies who contrast with the wicked Unseelie Court.
This item will cover the shoulders of a creature (mostly used for armor).
Creatures of the Fae realms.
Deals 2x the total damage to a structure or construct.
Moving in or out of attack range will not provoke an opportunity attack.
Cannot take fall damage.
2km (1mile) per hour / 16km (10miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 20km (12 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
Spirit is the inner fire that every living being has within.
It is used to cause powerful attacks, or be harnessed for magical spells.
Some creatures can use spirit to alter the laws of physics around them.
But abusing your inner spirit can come with detriments.
Spirit Points or SP indicate your inner state.
Some spells, talents or skills use Spirit points to work, you reduce the number of your remaining SP pool.
When you drop to 0 SSP, you are mentally drained and cannot use any abilities that cost Spirit.
You cannot gain a negative number of SP unless you use magical spells.
When you drop below 0 SP, you get the Arcane Backlash Status.
Sticks to surfaces that it touches.
Can walk on any Solid surface.
Talking about your physical strength.
A surprise round is made when one or more creatures attack another creature unaware of their attack.
- The first creatures that attacks may roll one attack freely out of the Response order With +1A as its target is Suprised.
- All attacking creatures including the first one now roll for the Response order.
- The first attacking creature finish its turn as normal.
- All creatures after the first attacking creatures gets an surprise attack round (gaining +1A on their attacks).
- When the Response order count reaches 0, all remaing creatures will roll for the Response order. They are still Suprised until the start of their next turn.
Combat resumes until one group beats the remaining hostile creatures. (this can be by killing, forcing a surrender, or making them flee).
A Suprised creature is attacked unaware.
All attacks on it will be with +1A.
this status remains until the start of its next turn after the surprise round.
When swimming your movement speed is 1/4 of your walking speed, unless stated otherwise.
Talent skills are a list of skills that you can preform to overcome a situation.
They are the following skills:
Charisma or CHA.
You cause a scene or act. To make sure your allies can move around Undetected.
You make an attempt to tell a lie or hide the truth.
You Perform an act, or play out an event.
You attempt to get your way in a discussion.
Constitution or CON.
Fortitude (save)
Your trained body slowly gains the ability to resist physical effects.
When an effect asks for a Fortitude Save. Roll a D20 with your Fortitude Mod. + PB
When making multiple checks that causes stress on the body.
The GM might ask you to do a stamina skill check
Failing the given CL. will give you +1 point of exhaustion.
Dexterity or DEX.
You use your agile body to jump, flip or spin in ways to reach a certain goal or task.
Sleight of hand
If you want to perform a subtle act or remove something unnoticed this is the skill for you.
For those who want to remain hidden or Undetected by others try your hand on stealth.
Collecting herbs and plants that can one day save your life or that of others, your success lays in this skill.
Reflex (save)
Your quick reactions allow you to move quickly out of danger.
When an effect asks for a Reflex Save and you’re capable of moving out of the range. Roll a D20 with your Reflex Mod + PB.
This skill allows you to challenge the currents and pressures of all bodies of Liquids.
Depending on you proficiency your Swimming Speed changes to the following:
• Trained: Half of your Walking Speed.
• Proficieny: Equal to your Walking Speed.
• Expertise: Double your Walking Speed.
Intelligence or INT.
Your knowledge of magic is tested with this.
The past is a fleeting thing, but how much do you know.
Daily life has many events in the world, how up-to-date are you.
Examining items or places, or finding secrets, that is what this skill is for.
When magic is not available, you might treat or examine a wound, injury, or disease the old-fashioned way.
Gods and Faith are everywhere in the world, but this will test how much you know.
Strength or STR.
Your muscular physique is shown by this skill, and allow you to challenge your body to greater heights.
Your menacing form or attitude creates fear in any one you choose to, in an attempt to get your way
(Can be used by your CHA. Mod. instead).
Your ability to climb walls and rock-faces can be tested with this.
Depending on you proficiency your Climbing Speed changes to the following:
• Trained: Half of your Walking Speed.
• Proficieny: Equal to your Walking Speed.
• Expertise: Double your Walking Speed.
Wisdom or WIS.
Animal handling
The wild beasts in the world might be fearsome but can still be persuaded to do what you want with the right skill check.
No action or lie can escape your vision if your skill is up to par.
The world is vast in size and secrets, this will aid you to get a sense of what is going on, what is the natural course of things.
Looking around to find or notice something or someone in an area.
Your knowledge of staying alive or what to do in any situation will be determined by this skill.
Willpower (save)
Your mental state protects you from being affected by others.
when an effect asks for a Willpower Save. Roll a D20 with your Willpower Mod. + PB
Weapons that can be thrown with effect.
This item will cover the torso of a creature (mostly used for armor).
Trauma accurs when a creature is in great distress.
Usually this happens when a creature falls unconcious with 0 HP
When you gain a Trauma point ALL rolls made with a D20 will be -1 for every Trauma point you have (including death saves).
You can have a maximum of 3 Trauma points.
When you gain your 4th Trauma point your character gains the Death status effect.
You lose 1 trauma point after resting for 168 hours.
When you fall unconscious and need to roll Death saves, and you have 3 Trauma points, your character instantly gets the
Death status effect.
The senses to see by vibrations through the ground or solid objects.
Weapons that can be wielded with two hands.
This type of armor can be under other armor types.
You can stack these with other armors with the <Under armor> tag, but not with the same kind. (Like mail with mail armor)
When no one has seen you at all when you rolled stealth, you are Undetected, if you are detected and you re-roll stealth you are only Hidden not Undetected unless stated otherwise.
160km (99mile) per hour / 1280km (795miles) per day with rests .
(Without rest the distance will be 1600km (994 miles) with +1 point of exhaustion)
The Unseelie Court is a group of fairies, often specified as wicked fairies who contrast with the good Seelie Court.
Talking about your understanding of things.