
These semi-birdlike humanoids are mostly native to the Realm of air, or sky islands.
They are small in size rarely reaching above 5 feet or 1.5 meters, their heads are that of birds and their arms are winged (think flying dinosaurs).
Their pinky fingers reach out to the tips and ends of their wings, a thick thumb like finger sticks out on the top of their wings, their wingspan is an average of 15 feet or 4,5 meters that can retract in their arms. Their legs are long and narrow and have birdlike talons as feet. Their eyes are locked in their skull and they need to move their head to look around.
An Aviron life cycle is on average 35 years with an average weight around 70 pounds.


Aviron are a nomadic race.
They spent most of their time flying and gliding in the Realm of air, only at the end of the Cold times, will they try and seek out their own or other clans to breed. Females tend to stick to their own
clans, while males actively seek out others to find a mate.
Once they find a mate they stick together for life.
Aviron lay eggs, and their clusters of eggs range between 3 and 5, when the chicks mature to young adults (after 6 months) they are forced to go off on their own (because the parents will leave before the Cold times).
Young adults that refuse to leave the nest in the hopes that the parents return will most-likely die of starvation.
Because of their nomadic nature they only believe that what you carry or is with you is yours,
Farm animals or ownership of land is an odd concept to them,
since you can’t take that with you.

Common Lore

Aviron have a simple hierarchy,
When the clan gets back together after the cold times, the oldest among them will take the roll of leader, it’s his or her duty to make sure that the clan is safe and protected, the mate of the leader will take on the role of shaman, it’s his or her role to tell the stories of their gods and history to the young chicks, this is mostly done with the help of parrot Aviron, if the leader has no mate at the time, it can choose a shaman of its own accord. They hunt small to tiny prey and grapple them with their talons then try to fly up and drop the prey from great heights (Aviron can’t grapple and fly with a creature larger than themselves and flying with a grappled creature half their Flying speed).
Their gods are the following:
Hecate, Horus, Huitzilopochtli, Manannan mac Lir, Nekhbet, Ra, Toth

Racial Traits

<Small> <Humanoid>
Hit points at 1st level is 8 + CON. Mod.
+ 1 D8 + CON. Mod. every player level after,
Armor (AR) is + 0 every player level,
Dodge is 15 + DEX. Mod.,
Power 0 + STR. Mod.,
Magicka 0 + INT. Mod.,
Spirit is 1 D8 + WIS. Mod. every player levels.
Walking speed 15 ft. (Walking speed is reduced by 5 ft. per every negative DEX. Mod. Minimum of 5 ft., and increased with 5 ft. by every positive DEX. Mod.).

Flying speed 25 ft. (Flying speed increase by 5 ft. every 4-character levels)
* When flying, you can’t use somatic spell components and
weapons because you need your hands to fly *
(Aviron can’t grapple and fly with a creature larger than
themselves and flying with a Grappled creature halves their
Flying speed).

Passive Perception + 2,
Slow descend: can’t take fall damage
* Negated when the wings are Restrained or the Aviron is Unconscious. *.

Gliding: can end its turn in the air without falling.
* Negated when the wings are Restrained or the Aviron is Unconscious. *

Keen sight: 1 advantage on Perception, and Investigation skill checks

Language’s: Trained in Common and Mastery in Avion

Proficiency in Reflex.

Talent actions
Beak attack:
Can to try and peck a creature within 5 ft. of it. (D20 + your proficiency + your DEX. Mod.).
On hit, the creature takes 1 D4 + Power Piercing damage.

Talon’s attack:
While in the air, can make
a claw attack with its talons to
a creature within 5 ft. of it.
(D20 + your proficiency + your
DEX. Mod.). On hit, the creature
takes 1 D6 + Power Slashing damage)

Crane Aviron have a long neck that mostly hangs down and goes up, and a head that is commonly of an Ibis bird, other variations are also known of Heron, Stork or Swan.
Their wings are larger than other Aviron.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 INT.,
  • -2 STR.,
  • 1A on intelligence skill checks,
  • Proficiency in swimming.
  • The Keen Mind Perk

Eagle Aviron have short necks and wide heads, their heads are covered with large feathers and have a natural dominating stare.
Their wings are shorter than others but are the only ones of the Aviron capable of powered flight.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 STR.,
  • +1 CHA.,
  • -1 DEX.,
  • Can use its Talent action to double its Flying speed,
  • Menacing stare: Proficiency in Intimidation

Falcon Aviron is similar to their eagle cousins in appearance, with smaller feathers and a less menacing stare.
Their wings are the shortest of all the Aviron but are one of the fastest of their race.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 DEX.,
  • +1 CHA.,
  • -1 STR.,
  • Their Flying speed is doubled.

Sparrow Aviron are after their Falcon cousins the fastest of their race.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 DEX.,
  • +1 WIS.,
  • -1 STR.,
  • And their Flying speed starts with + 10 feet.

Parrot Aviron are the most colorful and vocal among them.
The feathers all around their body can be any single color or combination of colors.
They have long slender bodies and their tails are the longest of the Aviron and are used in their acts of performances.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 CHA.,
  • +1 INT.,
  • -1 STR.
  • They have the natural ability to copy or mimic any sound they have heard with pitch perfect accuracy, this can be a voice of a person, sound of an animal or the blast of a lightning strike

Owl Aviron are known for their wisdom and memory, they can recall the tiniest of details.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 WIS.,
  • +1 DEX.
  • -1 STR.,
  • 1 advantage on Wisdom skill checks,
  • Darkvision 60ft.


Curious and adaptive, standing on average at 6 ft. tall or 1,8 meters, and 154 lb. or 70 kg. Just like the Hofling race the Human race can mostly be found on the eastern continental shard of Erinfell, but they expanded to almost every corner of Niverra. Their skin color can range from a deep black to brown, tan, pale and white, with sometimes light colorations within them. Their hair colors can be black, red, brown, blond, gray and white, mostly only the males can grow facial hair like beards, mustaches and sideburns.
They have an average life-span of 90 years.
Their worship is mostly determined by their sub-race.


Because of their lack of Power and physical strength, the Human race needed to use their creativity and intuitive nature to get the edge on the other races. It’s because of this that they can quickly adapt on the battle field or create things that the others never seen before. Because of this feat the Dwarven and Gnomish races quickly allied them with them to perfect their new and wild creations and aid them in battle.

Common Lore

These creatures are one of the younger races on Niverra, first appearing at the start of the 6th era of arrival. Their appearance was fast and violent, and many races saw Humans at the time as a punishment from the gods for looking so similar to the gods. It was only at the end of the 7th era of the dragon wars that the Human race proved themselves as allies to the other races.
Afterwards they had a rapid increase in population all across the continent Erinfell. Being as adaptive as the human race is, their worship is spread-out through all the gods and are at some times more fanatic about them then the other races, when a new or evil cult is being created more often than not it is that a Human is at the head of it.

Racial Traits

<Medium> <Humanoid>
Hit points at 1st level is 6 + CON. Mod.
+ 1 D6 + CON. Mod. every player level after.
Armor (AR) is + 1 every player level.
Dodge is 11 + DEX. Mod.,
Power 1 + STR. Mod.,
Magicka 1 + INT. Mod.,
Spirit is 1 D10 + WIS. Mod. every player level.
Walking speed: 30 ft. (Walking speed is reduced by 5 ft. per every negative DEX. Mod. Minimum of 5 ft., and increased with 5 ft. by every positive DEX. Mod.).
Language’s: Mastery of Common and Trained in a Language of choice.
Proficiency in either Fortitude, Reflex or Willpower.

The humans that posted themselves in hot and desert regions are known as the Arabians or Arabic humans, no one knows what this word really means but legends tell it’s a term of an old world.
These humans are much darker in skin and complexion than the other humans and have great resistances against the heat of the sun and fire.
They often make a living dealing with trades and services in all kinds of matter, it’s because of this that the great city of Alcharan deals with slave trade of Lunastrean and hunt down any unowned Lunastrean on sight.
They worship the builder or Arabic god’s pantheon.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 CHA.,
  • +1 WIS.,
  • -1 STR.,
  • Resistance to Fire damage and heat up to 55°C or 131°F.

The term Central comes from the generalization of the humans outside the hot and frozen regions, another term for them is commoners.
It’s because of this, that the common language has been spread throughout Erinfell.
It’s these humans that are the most adaptive in skills and Survival and have a knack to learn almost everything with great speed.
They worship any god they want.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 WIS.,
  • +1 CHA.,
  • +3 skill points.

These humans are much larger and bulkier than the rest of their race, as they survive the harsh and cold climate of the regions they live in.
They are called Nordic humans because of their strong faith in the Nordic pantheon, legends says that the All-Father blesses every child in a Nordic household.
Their close-knit stick to one self-community makes for racist lifestyle as they don’t trust other races and especially hate orcs.
The Nordic people of Higher rock hold a deep grudge against the Artirium king for still allowing the Orcish warband to claim the harvest and children, and not take up arms against them.
It’s because of this the Nordic humans are so racist to others.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 STR.,
  • +1 CON.,
  • -1 CHA.,
  • Resistance to Frost damage and cold up to -35°C or -31°F.

During the 7th era of the dragon war year 993, an alliance was made between
many of the species. The human empire, along with their Dwarven, Gnomish
and Höfling allies, made pacts with the Nature Ælves, Goliaths and Fir-Bolg’s
to fight off the dragon invasion. Amidst the chaos, Orcish and High Ælves war
bands raided villages of the human empire to cripple their foes. They enslaved
many of the humans and brought them back to Alfbrumn. During the next 60
years, the High Ælves learned that mating with humans produces a half breed
that grows up at the same rate as humans, but has similar abilities to those of
the Ælves. The High Ælven council gave the order to produce as many of the
Half breed as possible in the next 500 years.
Half Ælves live up to 500 to 600 years.
They worship the Nordic and Celtic pantheon.
Choosing this sub-species will give you the following:
You are Trained in Ælvish and may choose up to 5 additional skills to be
trained in.
You may choose to exchange your Mastery of Common for a Mastery of
Ælvish, leaving you Trained in Common.
+1 WIS, +1 CHA, -1 CON

First appearing in the 8th era of calm in the Orc’s enslavement camps, the Half-orcs were first born by brutal interactions with the Human slave women’s and girls, though later on reports contradict this as the Human females tend to seduce the larger and more muscular Orc’s rather than their human male counterpart.
They worship the gods of warfare and nature.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 CON.,
  • +1 STR.,
  • -1 WIS.,
  • Wild rush: They have the Adrenaline Rush Perk,
  • Trained in Orcish.
  • You can choose to exchange the Mastery of Common for a Mastery of Orcish and be trained in Common.


A Nature Ælf can be recognized by their bond with their inherited Biome. A Desert Ælf, for example, is most commonly tanner, and clothing wise cover up with fabrics like linen. As opposed to snow Ælves, who are often very pale, almost white, and are chubbier in their physique.
However, their physique and appearance does not change once they enter a new Biome. A Nature elf is born as a specific sub race. And stays that way. They are at average 6,5 ft. or
2 meters tall and age to an average of 700 to 1000 years.


One of the ways these Nomadic creatures are described as the kind elf, as they always try to prove their worth and help nature and creatures in need. These creatures are closely tied to nature
and will care for it.
They are usually perceived as kind and helpful because of this, these elves react and respond to situations in their own way, similar to how nature does its own thing. They go with the flow and do what they seem to be the best option for them or their people.

Common Lore

4th era in the year of 13523, the Eilíem”drüm where in rapid decline due to the constant torment of the gods and creatures of the Anchor Realm that blame them for their misfortune, some of the Eilíem”drüm have fled throughout the world and adopted new forms as well as abandoned most of their old ways to get a chance of Survival, this was the birth of the first known Ælves, also known as the Nature Ælves.
Their existence was rough and hard at first but by hard work and dedication other races accepted them as their form changed as well as their demeanor.
Their first major achievement for them was in the 4th era in the year 15480 when some of them moved to the Fey Realm and made an alliance with the gnomes, they helped them made their first great city Suvemirva.
(Meaning little blessing in Ælvish, as a token of respect to the Gnomes).

Species Traits
<Medium> <Humanoid> <Sídhe>
Hit Points at 1st level is 6 + CON Mod. ≥ 0
+1 D6 + CON Mod. ≥ 0 every player level after,
Armor (AR) is + 1 every player level,
Dodge is 13 + DEX Mod.,
Power is 3 + STR. Mod.
Magicka is 6 + INT. Mod.
Spirit is 1 D8 + WIS Mod. Every player levels.
Walking speed: is 11 meters (33ft.)
increase or decrease by 1 meter (3ft.) per positive or negative DEX Mod.
(minimum of 1 meter (3ft.) walking speed)

Language’s: Trained in Common, Elvish and Syldarnya, Mastery in one of
the three.

Proficiency in Acrobatics and Fortitude

These dark-skinned elves are masters of the sand, they can survive without effort in these harsh and dry environments.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 CON.,
  • +1 WIS.,
  • -1 DEX.,
  • Knowledge of the weather and safe locations within the desert without fail,
  • Can’t be under the effects of rough terrain in the desert.
  • Resistance to Fire damage and Heat up to 70°C or 158°F.

These light brown skinned elves make their homes in forest and jungles, and are one of the few non-nomadic Nature elves.
They usually make their homes near portals to the Fey wild, which is why their homes that are made out of trees are so large and lively compared to their normal tree counterparts.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 DEX.,
  • +1 WIS.,
  • -1 INT.,
  • Knowledge of the weather and safe location within forest and jungles without fail,
  • Can’t be under the effects of rough terrain in the forest or jungles.

These gray skinned elves are expert climbers and are more muscular compare to other elves.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 STR.,
  • +1 CON.,
  • -1 CHA.,
  • Knowledge of the weather and safe locations on the mountains without fail,
  • Can’t be under the effects of rough terrain in the mountains,
  • Gain proficiency in climbing.

Masters of the sea, these elves make excellent sailors and captains.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 DEX.,
  • +1 CON.,
  • -1 CHA.,
  • Knowledge of the weather and safe locations on the seas and oceans without fail,
  • Can’t be under the effects of rough terrain on the sea or oceans,
  • Gain proficiency in Swimming and Water Vehicles.

These pale elves are known as the frozen angels, as they save all creatures trapped or struggling in the harsh and cold climates.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 CON.,
  • +1 WIS.,
  • -1 DEX.,
  • Knowledge of the weather and safe locations within the Tundra without fail,
  • Can’t be under the effects of rough terrain in the snow,
  • Resistance to Frost damage and immune to Cold.

These Black and ash gray elves are one of the bravest creatures of the world, as they make a living in one of the most hostile locations.

Choosing this sub race will give you the following:

  • +1 DEX..,
  • +1 CON.,
  • -1 INT.,
  • Knowledge of the weather and safe locations near Volcano’s without fail,
  • Can’t be under the effects of rough terrain on a volcano,
  • Advantage on fear effect saves,
  • Immune to Fire and Heat. (with the exception of lava and magma).

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Tthis Species is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)

Tthis Species is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)

Tthis Species is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)

Tthis Species is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)

Tthis Species is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)

Tthis Species is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)