Students of magic, and masters of the arcane arts.
these devoted mages spend a large portion of their life studying magic and spells to wield them as their own.

Magical Caster

Your control of the basic arcane arts allows you the following:
You can now safely cast Grade 1 (ARCANE) magic spells.

Ritual Caster (Arcane)

All Arcane spells with the ritual tag, that are in your spell book can be cast by you, casting a spell as a ritual means that the casting time increases by 10 minutes per spell Grade. But you donnot spend spirit points for it.


You can now bind your Spirit with a magic book,
this book can be used to scribe spells in that you can then cast, a spell book can hold an infinite number of spells.
beside from the spells that you get from leveling up.
You can find arcane, or ritual- spell scrolls with spells that are not in your spell book.
When you find these, you may add then in your spell book, this will cost you 2 S.C. for special inks and 2-hour per spell Grade.
If you lose or if the book is destroyed, you can do a 5-hour ritual to summon it to you or create a new one with all the last known spells in it.

Spellcasting (ARCANE) (full caster) (Mage)

You can pick any number of Arcane spells equal to your mage level, INT. Mod. >0 + PB.
You don’t have to pick only Grade 1 spells; however, you can only safely cast the spell level of your magical caster skill.
Trying to cast a spell above your magical caster skill will lead to the following:
When casting a spell above your magical caster skill, you need the minimum of the spirit points that the spell needs, if you do, roll an Arcana skill check, the CL. you need to beat is 15 + the Grade of the spell you’re trying to cast.
On a success the spell goes off as described.
On a failure, the spell goes in a Chaos Surge, the GM. will determine the effect of the Chaos Surge spell.

(Chaos Surge: a spell that goes out off control and have catostrophic or unintended affects.)

Cantrip Caster (Arcane)

Choose two Grade 1 spells of the Arcane spell list; these spells can now be cast at will (not expending any spirit points)

Improved Magical Caster (Grade 2)

Your devotion to magic and spells has brought you to greater power of the arcane arts, they allow you the following:
you can now safely cast Grade 2 magic spells.

School of Magic

you focus your studies of the arcane into a single field of magic, this allows you to join a specific school of magic.
You can now choose one of the magic schools.

Improvement 1st

Choose a Perk

Improved Magical Caster (Grade 3)

Your devotion to magic and spells has brought you to greater power of the arcane arts, they allow you the following:
you can now safely cast Grade 3 magic spells.

Abjuration Adapt (Arcane)

All Arcane spells with the Abjuration tag,
will cost half of the amount of spirit needed to cast them,
and half the amount of time and coins needed to write them in your Spell book.

Defensive caster

When casting an Abjuration spell, you may add your INT. Mod. To your AR for the duration of that spell.
This does not stack with itself

Evocation Adapt

All Arcane spells with the Evocation tag,
will cost half of the amount of spirit needed to cast them,
and half the amount of time and coins needed to write them in your Spell book.


You can cast prestidigitation, light and thaumaturgy at will. (Not expending any spirit points)

Call from the grave

You can pull buried bodies or bones from the ground, as long as there is no spell, stone or casket preventing it to raise to the surface.

Necromancy Adapt

All arcane spells with the Necromancy tag,
will cost half of the amount of spirit needed to cast them,
and half the amount of time and coins needed to write them in your Spell book.

Undead servant

You gain the spell raise dead in addition to your chosen spells.

Skilled in the deadly dance of the blade, or masters with the bow.
These fighters are feared for their tactics and adaptability on the battlefield.
With a Warrior on your side, you will always have a blade beside you or a bow to cover you.

When you choose this class at first player level you gain the following:
+2 reflex skill

When you gain your first level in Warrior you gain the following:
Proficiency in Athletics, Stamina and Reflex skill, all Armor, Shield and Weapons.

For every level you gain in this class you get the following:
+1 Hit point, Spirit point, and +1 Skill point of choice or Power.


For a Quick action, you can switch your weapons quickly and safely without effort.

Armor specialist

You may choose one armor type and gain a +1 AR on that armor type (Example: plate armor, bone-armor, brigantine, etc.)

Combat tactics

Fighters can use their inner spirit to improve their combat strikes. For a main action you can do the following:
Defensive flurry (cost 6 spirit)
When making a weapon attack, you will deal half the damage, but any attack on you, until the start of your turn gains +1DA.
Lunge attack (Cost 4 spirit)
You increase you thrust attack range by +1meter (3ft.) without moving out of you standing location (increase by +1meter (3ft.) for every size category larger then huge.)
Spin attack (Cost, 10 spirit)
Any creature in you melee attack range around you must make a Reflex save against your STR. save to jump out of your reach.
On a failure, they take your weapon damage.

Weapon specialist (+2)

You may choose one type of weapon and gain a +2 on all your to hit and damage weapon attacks with that weapon type.
(Example: long swords, short bows, heavy crossbow, etc.)

Taking action

On your turn, you can push yourself to gain the following:
One additional main action.
+ 2 meters (6ft.) movement
One additional reaction until the start of your next turn (You regain this skill after a long rest).

Combat Style

Your skills with your weapons have started to develop and allows you to pick a Martial combat style

Improvement 1st

Choose a Perk

Swift action

You have three Main Actions and a +1 on damage (This doesn’t stack with other multi-actions).

Arcane fighter

You gain the following: +20 spirit.

Spellcaster (ARCANE) (Warrior) (Quarter)

Gain proficiency in spell casting
You may pick any number of {*arcane} spells equal to your Warrior level.
You can learn the following number of spells:
Up to Grade 1 spells.
You cannot switch out spells that you have learned.

Weapon focus

When a spell requires a material to cast it you can use your weapon as a medium to do so (as long as the spell doesn’t consume a material or component that has a value).

Skilled Fighter

+20 spirit
You can wield a one-handed weapon in your off-hand even if it does not have the <off-hand> tag.
All your Combat tactics skills are now half the spirit cost.
When you make a melee attack, you may add one of the following:

  • reading your opponent (5 spirit)
    you gain +1A to your attack.
Painful wound

When rolling max damage on one of your weapon dices, your opponent gains the bleeding effect.
(At the start of its turn,
they take 1 D6 bleeding (necrotic damage).
!!can only do one wound skill per attack!!

These devoted creatures are the representative of their deity
A priest devotes their time to spread the word and follow the teachings of their deity.
Many commoners praise these priests for the miracles that they bring (depending on the deity).

Healing caster

When you cast a spell of the Restoration school, you only pay half the spirit cost.

Holy symbol

When a spell that you can cast needs a material component that is not consumed by the spell or have a price value you may use your holy symbol instead.

Ritual caster (Divine)

All Divine spells with the ritual tag can be cast by you, even if you have not chosen them on your list, casting a ritual spell outside your chosen list means that the casting time increases by 10 minutes per spell Grade.

(unlike the Ritual caster (Arcane) this does cost spirit points.)

Spellcasting (DIVINE) (full caster)

You can pick any number of Divine spells equal to your Priest level, WIS. Mod. >0 and PB.
You can only pick Grade 1 spells.
(You can switch out spells that you have learned with this class every long rest.)

Worshiper of the divine

Choose one deity that you as a priest want to follow, you gain the benefits on the appropriate level.

Channel Divinity

You start to tap into the power of your Deity.
Depending on your Deity, you get the Channel Divinity ability.
Each ability is charted to the power and domain of the Deity, and will have a different effect per Deity.
You can use your Channel Divinity up to your proficiency modifier per day.

Divine powers

Your devotion to your deity did not go unnoticed, you gain a greater boon from your deity.

Greater Spellcasting (DIVINE) (Grade 2)

Your devotion grants your greater powers of the divine art, you can now add the following spell grade to your list:
up to Grade 2 spells.

Improvement 1st

Choose a Perk

Greater Spellcasting (DIVINE) (Grade 3)

Your devotion grants your greater powers of the divine art, you can now add the following spell grade to your list:
up to Grade 3 spells.

Sharp Mind

You gain proficiency in perception.
If you already have proficiency, you get expertise instead.

The Good and The Bad

You gain proficiency in intimidation or persuasion.

Bat speech.

You can cast speak with animals at will but only to bats. Bats see you as a close friend at all time.

Voice of the Seas

Sea and Ocean creatures can understand you perfectly.

Way of the Waters

Your swimming speed is doubled, and if it's equal to or greater than your walking speed you gain a +30ft. swimming speed.

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When monsters or dangers can’t be handled by the city guards or watch, the people of Niverra looks towards the rangers for help, their skills and talents will quickly lead to a solution, more often than not they will make great leaders for a party, or at least advisors.

Enchant Weapon

As a ranger, you have an additional spell list, that does not count as your normal spell list, that you can use to bolster and enchant your weapons with.
When making a weapon attack but before rolling to hit, you can increase the damage potential by adding one of the following magical effects to the attack, as part of the same attack action:

Blazing fire
for 6 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D6 Fire damage.
Biting Frost
for 8 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D8 Frost damage.
Crushing Force
for 10 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D10 Force damage.
Crashing Lightning
for 8 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D8 Lightning damage.
Decaying Necrotic
for 10 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D10 Necrotic damage.
Deadly Vemon
for 15 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D4 Venom damage+ if you have a vail of Venom on you, the spell absorbs the content dealing the additional effect on it.
(This is only for one attack action, not the whole minute.)
Psychic Blast
for 12 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D12 Psychic damage.
Radiant Light
for 10 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D10 Radiant damage.
Roaring Thunder
for 8 spirit points, your weapon attack deals an additional 1 D8 Thunder damage.

This effect last for 1 minute, or until you use a different effect.
These do not stack on other enhance effects.

Favorite Terrain

Your travels have given you a great deal of knowledge to traverse dangerous terrain, choose one of the following terrains and you gain +1Aon all skill checks, in and about them:
Sky islands,

Master Hunter

When attacking a creature that is on your monster expert list or is in your favorite terrain.
You deal an additional 1 D6 weapon damage, this increases by 1 D6 every 5 ranger levels.

Monster Expert

Your knowledge of monsters or foes are unparalleled,
Choose one of the following creature types and gain the languages that is associated with them:
Beast/ (beasts understand you but they can’t speak unless stated otherwise),
Giants/Giant Tongue,
Oozes/ (Oozes understand you but they can’t speak unless stated otherwise),
Plants/ (nature understands you but it can’t speak unless stated otherwise),
Undead/ (depending on the type of Undead).

In addition, when making a skill check about them or making an attack roll on them, you gain a D6 on the roll.

Spellcasting (NATURE) (half caster)

You can pick any number of Nature spells equal to your ranger level and your WIS. Mod. >0, You can learn the following number of spells:
Up to Grade 1 spells.
(You cannot switch out spells that you have learned.)

Hunters Quarry

You may use a Quick action.
When you do, you can choose a target within your weapon range and mark it.
As long as you are concentrating {*C} on the target, you gain an additional 1 D6 weapon damage or 1 D6 on your skill checks on it. In addition, you know the direction it is traveling as long as its within 10Km (6miles) of you.


You may lay a snare trap connecting a tree branch or similar, the trap is hidden unless spotted with a Perception or Investigation skill check against your Survival skill check to lay the trap.
When a large or smaller creature steps on the trap, they need to make a Reflex save against the same Survival skill check, or hang upside down and are Restrained, until freed.
It takes 1 minute and 3 meters (10ft.) of rope to lay the trap.

Weapon specialist (+1)

You may choose two types of weapons and gain a +1 on all your to hit weapon attacks with those weapon types.
(Example: long swords, short bows, heavy crossbow, etc.)

Ranger Troop

Your talent can now be molded in to a specialist troop, you can now choose one Troop:

Greater Spellcasting (NATURE) (Grade 2)

Your study of nature has given you new insights, you can now add the following spell grade to your list:
up to Grade 2 spells.

Improvement 1st

Choose a Perk

Keen senses

You gain a +2 to your Passive Perception And +1A on Perception skill checks.


You have three Main Actions (This doesn’t stack with other multi-actions).

Endless Ammunition

For a Quick action and 10 spirit, you may imbue your quiver with endless non- magical ammunition.
This will last for 1 minute.
On each of your turns until this skill ends, you can use a Quick action to make two attacks with a weapon that uses ammunition from the quiver.
Each time you make such a ranged attack, your quiver magically replaces the piece of ammunition you used with a similar piece of non-magical ammunition.
Any pieces of ammunition created by this spell disintegrate on impact.
If the quiver leaves your possession, the spell ends.

You cannot use the double attack skill on the turn you cast it.

Shatter ammunition

When you are about to fire a piece of ammunition, you may imbue it with an unstable force for 10 spirit, when you hit or miss your target (after damage calculation), the ammunition explodes into smaller pieces, the target of the attack and each creature within 5 feet of it must make a reflex save against your WIS. Spell save, or takes 1 D10+ Magicka piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The damage type counts as magical.

Greater dual-wielder

Your skill in wielding two different weapons at the same time is greater than the average warrior.
When wielding two weapons you gain the following:
When making an attack with your off-handed weapon as part of your main handed weapon attack, you may add your modifier to both types of attack.
When making a separate attack roll with your off-handed weapon, you may now add your proficiency modifier, if you already do you gain expertise on this attack.
You can use your talent action to go into a defensive stands, giving yourself a +2 to your dodge till the start of your next turn.

Beast Token

You have spent many hours carving a small statue of (any large or smaller size creature with the beast tag that has a
DL. (E or M) lower than your ranger level.).
Upon completion, you carved the name under the statuette of the beast and imbue it with your spirit.
You can now call upon your token beast by calling its name.
The token beast can remain outside the statuette for a maximum of 12 hours and for every hour outside it needs to stay 3 hours inside. Inside the statue is a pocket plane that is a mini paradise for the creature.
when the beast is killed its body disintegrates and goes back into the statue and is fully restored after 48 hours.
The token beast heals 1 D12 per hour in the statue.
The token beast has your personality and knowledge of understanding with its animal instinct.
The token beast uses your PB.
The token beast has all the skills and stats of the real creature with the exception of multi-attack, but its hit points are 5x your ranger level, all attacks count as magical.

You can carve a new statue and imbue it with your spirit.
But the previous statue will be disintegrated.
Others can use your statue and call upon your token beast after calling its name.
The token beast shares your turn in the Responds order, and takes the guard action if not commanded otherwise with a Quick action.
If you fall unconscious or die, the token beast will act on its own. (Others that you see as an ally can also order it, but it will listen to you first.)

Token beast's cannot be harvested

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This Class is locked, please buy one of the following products to unlock it: Players Adventurers Guide (Ebook)