Suggestion: low-class or poor upbringing.
Some time ago you were abandoned by your family, clan, organization, tribe or other. This has left a mark on you as a person.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. You were left behind after you made a grievous mistake, resulting in the Death of another.
  2. Your abnormalities makes you repulsive to others.
  3. Your parents left you alone in the streets.
  4. A task was assigned to you, you failed and in turn were left behind.

Skill proficiency: Deception and Persuasion.
Trained profession: 1 of choice.
Additional gear: Common clothing
Passive skills: Coming from nothing you always know how to pay less or get something for free, when haggling you get 1 advantage on your skill checks.
+ 1 CON. score

D4 personal trait.

  1. I enjoy being alone and sneak off for moments of silence.
  2. In large groups of people I always try to be the best version of myself.
  3. Long periods of time alone have made me timid and withdrawn.
  4. I try to impress people who stay with me even if it’s for a short while.

D4 ideals.

  1. I’ve been independent for as long as I can remember and I’d like that to remain that way.
  2. I despise the people who put me in this situation, and I’m willing to do everything to make them fall.
  3. I can help others who suffered my fate and am always willing to share with them what I have.
  4. My past does not define me and I can always start over.

D4 connections.

  1. An urchin/beggar that showed you the city and the ways of surviving.
  2. A group of kids that were also abandoned.
  3. Some nobles that felt bad for me, on occasions they gave me clothing and food.
  4. A traveler that passed through your hometown, they sparked your interest in the wider world.

D4 flaws.

  1. I’ve been on my own ever since my memories started, I don’t need others.
  2. Just because I have been abandoned once doesn’t mean it won’t
    happen again, I fear that it happens again.
  3. When I was alone, I had to steal on some occasions, I’ve started to
    like it.
  4. I despise people who never had to work for what they have.

Suggestion: all.
A person who knows what someone wants.
And easily makes false promises.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. A troubled past forced you to take on a new identity.
  2. Your gambling addiction put you in great debt.
  3. Deceiving people comes as second nature to you, it’s not a necessity, it’s a profession.
  4. It’s the only way to survive.

Skill proficiency: Deception and Sleight of hand.
Trained profession: Criminal and you get a forgery kit.
Additional gear: 1 disguise kit.
Passive skills: Your passive Perception allows you to pick out
easily to deceive targets.
+ 1 CHA. score

D4 personal trait.

  1. You love to gamble, not always for money.
  2. You like to see if you can trick people.
  3. You have a lot of sarcasm.
  4. You admire dragons and their hoarding skills.

D4 ideals.

  1. Want to master multiple scams technique
  2. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
  3. Loves to target people that seem to have money.
  4. Making a new of yourself.

D4 connections.

  1. You bribed a lot of guards in different cities to get you out of trouble.
  2. You are a member of a criminal organization.
  3. The ears of the streets go far and wide, a coin in a beggars hand will give you a lot of information.
  4. You have dirt on a noble family that must help you out if needed.

D4 flaws.

  1. Always in debt by gambling it away.
  2. Your ego can’t allow you to think someone else can ever fool you.
  3. Your greed puts a dragon hoarder to shame.
  4. Unwilling to help unless you get something out of it.

Suggestion: all.
Some kind of sickness has plagued you from birth, it can be
a heretical Disease, a curse or maybe something else.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. Your family was Cursed long ago; the curse now manifests within you.
  2. Ever since birth you’ve been sick, it began small but it gradually
    becomes more clear.
  3. You were Cursed by a creature long ago, every year this curse affects you more as a person.
  4. One day you fell deadly ill, for some unknown reason this Disease still hasn’t killed you.

Skill proficiency: Medicine and Investigation.
Trained profession: herbalist and get a herbalism kit.
Additional gear: common clothing and bandages to hide and shield your infected and exposed areas.
Passive skills: You are immune to other diseases.
+ 1 CON. score.

D4 personal trait.

  1. I always eat my dessert first, I could die any moment so why not?
  2. I’ve adapted a routine that I believe keeps my illness at bay.
  3. I never touch other living beings; the Disease could spread.
  4. I clean myself religiously, it could slow down the spread of the Disease.

D4 ideals.

  1. Everyday could be my last, so I’m going to live every day to the
  2. There is a cure, in this magical world there has to be so I will never give up.
  3. This Disease will not slow me down whatsoever.
  4. I can’t be the only one suffering, I will find others that are similar of heart.

D4 connections.

  1. A low-ranking priest that went out of its way to help you, even against others advices.
  2. A tribesman who practice the art of shamanism offered you help and insight.
  3. A mad physician that has questionable ways of healing.
  4. A guru monk that has tried to help you find enlightenment during these troubled times.

D4 flaws.

  1. Whatever I have can’t be explained by anyone, why even try to fight it?
  2. No one understands what you are going through, you fail to relate to others on a personal level.
  3. This thing inside me puts me above the law; this will kill me anyway.
  4. I can’t succumb to this, I will do whatever it takes to cure myself.

Suggestion: all.
By some magical means you transported to this world and fell
hundreds of feet down from the sky as a blazing fireball, impacting hard scarring the ground with a crater but taking no damage from the fall. You have the knowledge of the real world and quickly figure out this is a setting of one of your favorite games, with this knowledge you explore the world.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. You are an expert in TTRPG and have been chosen by an unknown force.
  2. The gods of this world are messing with you making you think you are important, but you are not.
  3. Evil reigns the land and can’t be stopped by normal means that’s where you come in.
  4. You wished that you would be isekai’d and now here you are, is this really what you wanted?

Skill proficiency: Perception and 1 of your choice.
Trained profession: 1 of your choice
Additional gear: Clothing from your world and time, making you stand out in many ways.
And exotic coins that are unknown (you can trade them for the
starting money of you chosen upbringings).
Passive skills: Gain +1A on Persuasion skill checks to
creatures that find you exotic.
+ 1 score of your choice.

D4 personal trait

  1. Happy go lucky, not a care in the world.
  2. Paranoid, you can’t trust anyone in this world.
  3. Overthinker, your modern mind set will give you an edge, right?
  4. Delusional, this is all but a dream, nothing is real.

D4 ideals

  1. You want to be the greatest in your field, and want to prove it to any that has similar training.
  2. You messed up your old live too much, now you want to set things right.
  3. Whoever I must face, I will prevail.
  4. I don’t know many people here, so my allies are my friends and family.

D6 connections

  1. A wizard has seen you fall from the sky and protected you from the dangers, and taught you the ways of the world.
  2. You landed in a sacred grove and the spirits of nature helped you survive.
  3. You wandered in the nearest city and were picked up by an
    underground gang, now you are part of it stalking the shadows.
  4. Starved and dying, an adventuring band found you and helped you back up to your feet.
  5. You sold your old coins and/or clothing for a hefty sum, and are now known by many aristocrats wanting to know and get more.
  6. Lost and hopeless, you found your way to a temple or monastery that helped you up on your feet.

D4 flaws

  1. You fail to adapt to this world and are desperate to find
    something that reminds you of home.
  2. You view all and everything as primitives since you come from a more modern world.
  3. You are amazed by magic and must know all there is to it.
  4. Though you speak the common tongue, the dialect is different and it makes you stumble your words often.

Suggestion: all.
You act, have banish you from your family, home, city or country.
Will you change your ways to earn forgiveness or start a new life.

D4 reasons why you have this background

  1. You have attempted a murder on a high ranking noble.
  2. The leader’s rule was something you did not agree with.
  3. Your family was exiled, but you have no idea why.
  4. Someone other than you should have been exiled, but you were framed and lost everything.

Skill proficiency: 2 of your choice.
Trained profession:1 of your choice
Additional gear: common clothing, an open pull-cart and a chest filled with your (mundane) belongings.
Passive skills: None.
+ 1 DEX. score

D4 personal trait

  1. You are saddened when something reminds you of your past.
  2. You always take the lead, what do you have to lose.
  3. You deny your past, this is the new and only you.
  4. Nothing stops you now to become the best.

D4 ideals

  1. You must prove that you are worthy for them to take you back.
  2. I don’t care what happened, I’m now living the life.
  3. You find a way to bring revenge on those that wronged you.
  4. It’s a blank sheet now, time to write your new chapter.

D4 connections

  1. A corrupt guard or official from your home town that you can easily bribe to get in.
  2. A family member that tries to stay in touch as much as they can.
  3. A guild that you joined and formed into your new family.
  4. A paladin that wants to help you reclaim yourself the right way.

D4 flaws

  1. Your always angry of your fate and can’t stand others in better living standards.
  2. Others are out to get you, why else did this happen to you.
  3. Nothing matters now, I’m on the path of self-destruction.
  4. I must find my way back, at all cost.

Suggestion: all.
Your mind is on the next new thing, never one to stay at home and settle.
What is on that next hill or in those tunnels?
You will only know if you go and venture out there.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. The city or homesteads are too boring for you, the wide world is your true home.
  2. You love myths and legends and want to see them for yourself.
  3. The story of far of lands and culture is mesmerizing for you.
  4. You told others that you will go out on an adventure, and now you finally do.

Skill proficiency: Harvesting and Survival.
Trained profession: cartographer and navigator with their associated tools and kits, and 2 trained languages.
Additional gear: a water skin, common, winter and summer clothing, a
sleeping bag.
Passive skills: + 1 advantage one Survival skill checks.
+ 1 WIS. score.

D4 personal trait.

  1. I love to discover new things.
  2. Ruins and legends intrigue you the most.
  3. You always take full attention when something new is revealed.
  4. I like to recorded my travels in some way.

D4 ideals.

  1. I love to be out in nature.
  2. Exploration is dangerous, respect your surroundings and stay on guard at all times.
  3. Finding ancient treasures will make life easier.
  4. When I’m far from civilization, that’s when I’m truly free.

D4 connections.

  1. You have been hired by nobility for different expeditions.
  2. A curse artifact has corrupted your mind, and is now whispering to you at random times.
  3. You know of a sacred grove protected by druids during your travels.
  4. You have contacts at a mercenary’s guild that had hired you.

D4 flaws.

  1. I must claim any artifacts as my own that I find as my own.
  2. Ruins and ancient text are your passion and you must decipher them when you find them.
  3. You blindly follow any new leads that you get.
  4. Finding something new is more important than the lives of others.

Suggestion: all.
A soldier’s life with strict rules is not for you, you like to live your way as you fight for a heavy sack of coins.
The greater the risk, the heavier the sack.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. Growing up poor, the only thing on my mind is making money.
  2. I have seen many adventurers and have admired them,
    now I wield my own weapon, and fill my purse along the way.
  3. I always helped out others by killing monsters, now it’s just a job for me.
  4. I have grown up in a mercenary’s guild, I never knew another way.

Skill proficiency: Athletics and Intimidation.
Trained profession: 1 land mount and vehicle of choice.
Additional gear: common clothing, a belt with a coin bag with an anti-theft lock (CL 25 sleight of hand), your first completed contract and a badge of your mercenary guild or band.
Passive skills: You know any and all mercenary guild and bands
members from your region and they know you.
+ 1 STR. score.

D4 personal trait.

  1. I like to show off, particularly if there’s a chance to get a job
    offer in it.
  2. I’m most at home on a battle field.
  3. I have strict codes of honor that I must follow.
  4. When I’m paid, I’m always cheerful.

D4 ideals

  1. One day I will have the coin to live in my own castle.
  2. I will be known as the greatest sell-sword of this region.
  3. I never break a promise or a contract, NEVER!
  4. War is dirty, but I love it since it keep my bags full.

D4 connections

  1. Any and all mercenary members are willing to help you
    if possible.
  2. My mentor has trained me well, but I still have not bested them.
  3. Many commoners have seen my work, the good and the bad.
  4. Local guards are always happy to see me, since I claimed many
    bounties for them.

D4 flaws

  1. I never leave my weapons behind or far from me.
  2. I will do nothing until I hear the jingle of coins.
  3. When coins are offered, I will do anything for the right price.
  4. I spend more money that I earn.

Suggestion: all.
From a young age, you always excelled in what you tried to do, things come naturally to you, most likely you are still at a young age.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. My parents experimented on me before I was born.
  2. Living a life where I know everything so easily left me lonely.
  3. I didn’t start out smart, but people said I will never achieve
    anything, what do they say now.
  4. I’m not really smart, a wise sage is sharing its knowledge
    unknowingly to me.

Skill proficiency: choose 3 skills you’re not proficient in and become proficient, or choose 1 skill you are proficient in and gain expertise in it.
Trained profession: choose 1 profession and 1 language and
become a master in it.
Additional gear: common clothing and a certificate from the Lords of your home proving that you are allowed to venture out because of your skill.
Passive skills: Any training time for trained and proficiency is halved.
+ 1 INT. score.

D4 personal trait.

  1. My mind wanders of at random times.
  2. I avoid talking to people if I can.
  3. I believe that I’m a genius in my area of expertise.
  4. I love to experiment.

D4 ideals.

  1. I can’t know all, I want to find more.
  2. I want to be treated as a normal person, not on a pedestal for my skills and talents.
  3. I must be and remain the best in what I do.
  4. I have a goal in mind, and I want to see it true.

D4 connections.

  1. My family are all highly schooled.
  2. I have dozens of mentors that I can ask for advice.
  3. I learned from the greatest Witch/Wizard that I know.
  4. Many peers in my field of expertise want to talk to me.

D4 flaws.

  1. I can’t stand people praising me.
  2. I don’t like what I’m good at, I want to do other things.
  3. I can’t understand why others can’t simply do the things I do.
  4. I don’t care if I miss some chance, many more will come, I’m that good that they will come to me like always.

Suggestion: all.
You grew up far away from modern society perhaps it was in a jungle or a desert, you’ve decided to see the wider world and what it brings.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. My village has spotted more and more of the modern people; I must find out who and what they are.
  2. I feel that my village is not meant for me, maybe out there will I find my place.
  3. I have seen the wonders of modern people; I must master what they have.
  4. My village is constantly plagued; we need a way to keep it save.

Skill proficiency: Survival and Stealth.
Trained profession: wood worker and it’s supplies.
Additional gear: Makeshift outfit from hides and plants.
Passive skills: +1A on Fortitude saves against poison and venom.
+ 1 WIS. score.

D4 personal trait.

  1. This modern society is weird; you can’t wrap your head around certain things.
  2. Large cities are scary and you refuse to enter them.
  3. Every day you perform a small ritual, to bless the day of your allies.
  4. You let no resource go to waste, ever.

D4 ideals.

  1. My ways must be preserved no matter what.
  2. I want to learn everything I can from these large societies.
  3. These technologies could be mastered and brought to my tribe.
  4. Everybody must prove their worth before they can become a friend.

D4 connections.

  1. An elder of your tribe, they guided you through rough patches in your life.
  2. A spirit of one of your forefathers that visits you in visions.
  3. Your spirit animal that randomly shows up.
  4. A fellow tribe member that left on a similar journey.

D4 flaws.

  1. You refuse to adapt to these new ideas.
  2. These “modern” people are just misled; they abandoned the old ways and can never be trusted.
  3. Buying wares is not something you should do; you should hunt and gather your own things.
  4. You will make all that make a mockery of your culture pay.

Suggestion: all.
You have devoted your entire life to a deity, perhaps you have received a calling to a higher purpose from a deity.
Now your time has come to fulfil your duty to your god.

D4 reasons why you have this background.

  1. I was lost, but my deity has saved me.
  2. I have seen the followers of my deity, I have nothing but admiration for them all.
  3. My way of life is one with that of my deity.
  4. My parents has raised me like this, I don’t know any better.

Skill proficiency: Religion and Insight.
Trained profession: Calligrapher and it’s tools.
Additional gear: A religious symbol of your order, robes from your order.
Passive skills: +3A on checks on your deity.
+ 1 WIS. score.

D4 personal trait.

  1. I pray to my god at the start and finish of every combat.
  2. I believe laws don’t apply to me; I serve a higher calling.
  3. Your service to your god goes before all else, even your own life.
  4. I believe that others need my protection since I am the chosen one.

D4 ideals.

  1. All non-believers can be converted to the truth.
  2. Eventually everyone will see me as the chosen one.
  3. If I fulfil my purpose, I will receive my eternal reward.
  4. Someday my god will show me as their chosen to all their other

D4 connections.

  1. A priest that first showed you the ways.
  2. A statue of your deity that talked to you in a vision.
  3. Your brother/sister-hood, of other zealots.
  4. The order of your deity.

D4 flaws.

  1. People that don’t believe in your deity are blind to the truth.
  2. Your deity’s will, is your command, even if it means killing close ones.
  3. If I believe hard enough nothing can harm me.
  4. Followers of other deities that directly oppose your deity are always enemies and must be destroyed.