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Grade 2 Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 Quick action
Range: 70ft.
Components: {V, S, C}
Duration: Up to 1 hour per caster level
Spirit: 9

You attempt to place a curse on a creature that you see in range. It must make a Willpower save against your INT. CL. On a failure, you may choose a skill. Whenever the creature makes a skill check with this skill, it must roll 1 D6 and subtract the roll from their skill check.
In addition, when you hit the creature with an attack, you may roll an additional 1 D10 Necrotic damage.
You may double the duration of the spell up to 10 times by investing 10 spirit each time. If you add a total of 100 spirit, the duration becomes indefinite until removed as a Grade 10 curse.