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Summoning Creature (Beast)

Grade 2 Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 Full Action
Range: 10ft.
Components: {V, S, M, C} {A piece of a similar Beast, feather of a hawk to summon a hawk, a scale of a crocodile to summon a crocodile, etc., fossils can also work}
Duration: Up to 1 Hour
Spirit: 18 per Beast DL

You use your component to summon a random living Creature to you of that type from somewhere on this plane, choose an unoccupied location within range, make an Arcana skill check of 15 + the Beast DL..
On a failure the Beast is enraged and is hostile to all creatures starting to attack its summoner.
On a success, for the duration, it will follow your command to the letter, it will have its turn in combat immediately after you, you may use your Talent action to give it a command otherwise it will defend itself.
When the spell ends, the creature is freed from your control and will act as it normally would, any offer or attempt of control and taming it will be negated.