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Tiny messenger

Grade 3 Enchantment

Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 5ft.
Components: {V, S, R}
Duration: Until delivered
Spirit: 12

You relay a message to a non-hostile willing tiny creature; the message can be up to 50 words.
When the message is given, you give a clear mental image of the one you want to receive the message.
The creature will magically know the quickest and safest route to that creature.
If the tiny messenger can make that journey it will deliver the message.
If the creature is unable to deliver the message, (a squirrel needing to cross a river, or a small bird needing to cross an ocean or the creature you want to receive the message had deceased.) the spell fails and the creature will wander off.
The tiny messenger is immune to hunger, thirst and fatigue.
When the messenger is within 5 ft. of the chosen creature, that creature will know it has a message for them and can choose when to receive it.
The messenger will follow until he does.
When the creature accepts the message, a mental audio message will play and revealing the message.
The messenger is no long compelled to be there and can wander off naturally.